WILD Lucid Dreaming Technique: A Comprehensive Guide

The WILD lucid dreaming technique is one of the most effective techniques for inducing lucid dreams. It involves going directly into a lucid dream from wakefulness. With this technique, the practitioner does not lose consciousness during the transition. 

In this article, we’ll take you through everything you need to know about the WILD technique: what it is, how to do it, its downsides, and even tips for success.

What is the WILD Technique?

WILD stands for Wake-Initiated Lucid Dream. It is a technique used to induce lucid dreams. The practice involves maintaining awareness as you cross over to the dream state from the waking state. 

The main difference between WILD and most methods of inducing lucid dreams is that with WILD there’s no loss of conscious awareness as you move from being awake into lucid dreaming. In contrast, the other techniques rely on gaining awareness while already inside the dream. 

How Does WILD Work?

The key for WILD is to keep your mind awake as your body and brain go to sleep. You do this by maintaining physical stillness while lying down comfortably, without moving any muscles, and keeping your mind active and alert as you drift into the dream. 

Here’s how to do try it out. 

Wake-Initiated Lucid Dream (WILD) – Step-By-Step Guide

The WILD technique is quite powerful and effective, but it can be tricky to master. You might not get it the first few times. But as you keep trying you’ll realize that it becomes easier and you’ll eventually get it right.

If you’re a beginner, you may want to start with other techniques like, those outlined in the our app Shape. You should also take some time to learn your sleep pattern to increase your chances of achieving lucidity with WILD.

Step 1: Lie Down and Relax

The first step is to be as comfortable and as relaxed as possible. Lie on your bed in whatever pose is most comfortable for you, either on your back or on your right side. 

Close your eyes, be completely still, and start emptying your mind of thoughts. Focus on your breathing–or use your favorite meditation technique–and let go of any thoughts that pop up. You will slowly begin to relax. 

Step 2: Entering the Hypnagogic State

As you relax and start to fall asleep, you’ll experience hypnagogia where you begin to see flowing blobs of patterns and colors. Observe the hypnagogic imagery without forcing your mind to create anything. Some people recommend trying to create a simple shape but this can be distracting. So if you find that difficult or overwhelming just let everything flow and evolve naturally while maintaining awareness. 

The hypnagogia may get complex, with elaborate sounds and sensations rapidly forming and reforming. It’s common to feel like you need to move your body at this point. Avoid doing anything, even swallowing, as this will cause you to wake up while disrupting focused attention. 

Sleep Paralysis While Practicing Wild

Once you get past hypnagogia and the body falls asleep, you might experience sleep paralysis or a buzzing or vibration. Many people find it uncomfortable and it’s one of the things that make WILD challenging. You feel like your body is numb and you can’t move. Accept this feeling and relax because you’re almost there. 

Step 3. Visualizing the Dream Scene

Focus on observing the hypnagogic imagery to prevent yourself from losing awareness. It will get more complex with clearer details, and you’ll soon transition into the dream world while fully lucid. 

At this point you can begin to interact with the scenes that are forming by introducing your own images and details. Put yourself in the dream, observe your surroundings, and connect with your dream body. You’ll slowly dissociate from your real body and feel fully immersed in the dream. 

Note: There are different variations of the WILD technique and it’s acceptable to try different ones and see what works best for you. For example, some people find that focusing on their body sensations in the hypnagogic state, as opposed to the hypnagogic imagery, is more effective. 

Others may not be able to perform visualization and might find themselves stuck in sleep paralysis. If this occurs, come back to the initial meditation practice of breath awareness or body relaxation.

Step 4. Perform a Reality Check

Lastly, you’ll want to perform a reality check to help you realize that you’re in a dream. There are numerous ways of doing this, and we favor two techniques in particular.

The first technique is to look at a symbol or shape somewhere in the environment, look away, imagine the symbol or shape changing form, then looking back at it. If the symbol is different, you’re probably dreaming.

The second technique is more advanced and involves unabashed confidence. Try to willfully lift yourself into the sky, as if levitating or flying. If you find yourself defying gravity, you’re almost certainly dreaming and already in control of the dream world.  

Common Challenges With the WILD Technique and How to Overcome Them

Sleep Paralysis

This is very common when inducing lucid dreams using the WILD lucid dreaming technique. During the REM stage of sleep, your brain causes your muscles to relax to prevent you from physically acting out your dream. If you are aware when this is happening it feels like paralysis. 

Being conscious and unable to move your body because your limbs feel numb or too heavy can be quite unpleasant. 

When practicing the Wake-Initiated Lucid Dreaming technique, avoid panicking. Understand that it’s a natural part of the process and accept it. If it feels too uncomfortable, you can try wiggling your toes to wake up. Over time, these kinds of experiences lose their novelty and become neither comfortable nor uncomfortable. 

Body Twitches and Swallowing

Body twitches or jerks, if they’re unconscious, will not interfere with your WILD experience. However, reflexes like scratching and swallowing can hinder the process because you’ll wake up. 

When you get the urge to swallow or scratch you have to relax and let it pass. Don’t give in but also don’t try to fight it. This is another part that can be tricky when WILDing. Many people struggle with trying not to swallow but it gets easier. 

Frustration and Impatience

Before you begin, it’s important to understand that WILD may be easier for some people than others. Failed attempts should not make you give up on lucid dreaming altogether. Keep trying and maybe do different variations until you finally find what works. 

Let every failed attempt act as a lesson and see if there’s something you can modify to help you get there. 

Be patient, and pay more attention to your efforts and less attention to the outcome.

Tips and Tricks for Success 

  • Wake up after about 5 hours: Trying to WILD right about the time you go to sleep at night might be harder because it takes some time, potentially hours, for you to start dreaming. So set an alarm and wake up after five hours. Do something relaxing, like reading, then go back to sleep after 30 minutes to an hour and try WILD. 
  • Consistency is key: It’s unlikely that you’ll be successful when trying the WILD lucid dreaming technique for the first time. Other times it may feel like you’re not making progress. Keep practicing and experimenting with different WILD variations for the best results. 
  • Keep a dream journal: If you’re a lucid dreamer you probably have a dream journal already. If you don't, it's time to get one. It will help you keep track of your dreams, monitor your progress, and notice recurring themes and dream signs.

Frequently Asked Questions About the WILD Lucid Dreaming Technique

How Long Does It Take to Do WILD Lucid Dreaming?

It can take a few minutes to a couple of hours depending on your experience, mental state, and other factors. Don’t worry if it seems to take you a little longer. 

Can You Lucid Dream Using WILD Every Day?

Yes, some people can have lucid dreams every day using the WILD technique. However, not everyone can. It is quite rare to have lucid dreams every day. If you find that you lucid dream fewer times that’s fine. With time and experience, you’ll be able to have more frequent lucid dreams.


The WILD lucid dreaming technique is a method of inducing lucid dreams by maintaining awareness as you transition from wakefulness to the dream state. Although it’s straightforward, it can be hard to do especially for beginner lucid dreamers. 

However, with practice it’s achievable. It’s intense, powerful, and worth the effort once you master it. There are different variations you can try which makes it fun. 

Learn how to lucid dream by downloading the Shape app. Readers qualify for 10% off the annual plan.
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